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Introducing PyDSA - Queue

PyDSA - Queue (pydsa-queue) is a suite of Python namespaced packages that provides implementations of the Queue ADT and related algorithms.

Two implementations of the Queue ADT are included in the project off the shelf:

  • CircArrayQueue : Circular array based implementation

  • SLListQueue : Singly linked list based implementation

Different implementations of the Queue ADT are defined in separate modules.

from pydsa.queue import CircArrayQueue

q = CircArrayQueue[int](4, 'int')

print(f"element type: '{q.element_type}'") # ~> "element type: 'int'"

for x in (3, 1, 4, 1, 5):

print(q)                                   # ~> "[3,1,4,1,5]"

for x in q:
    print(f'{x} ', end='')
print()                                    # ~> "3 1 4 1 5"

while not q.empty:
    print(f'dequeue: front = {q.front()} | size = {len(q)}')

print(q, f'(queue is empty: {q.empty})')   # ~> "[] (queue is empty: True)"
A collection of ADT-implementation-agnostic algorithms on the Queue ADT is included in a dedicated module.

from operator import gt

from pydsa.queue import CircArrayQueue
from pydsa.queue.algo import merge

nums1 = (4, 7, 2, 10)
q1 = CircArrayQueue[int](len(nums1), 'int')
for num in nums1:

nums2 = (3, 6, 8, 9, 5, 1)
q2 = CircArrayQueue[int](len(nums2), 'int')
for num in nums2:

merged = merge(q1, q2, gt)
print(f'merged : {merged}')     # ~> "merged : [4,7,3,6,8,9,5,2,10,1]"

Getting Started

Here's what you need to get started.


Not much. Python 3.7+ is the only dependency.


Just use pip.

pip install -U pydsa-queue


pydsa-queue is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

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