Algorithms on Queue ADT#

Algorithms are independent of implementation of the Queue ADT.

Merging two queues#

Modifying overload#

template<typename Elem, template<typename> typename Impl, BinaryPredicate<Elem> compare>
IQueue<Elem, Impl> *dsa::merge(IQueue<Elem, Impl> *queue1, IQueue<Elem, Impl> *queue2)#

Stable-merges two queues.

Elements are compared using the dsa::BinaryPredicate compare to determine the order in which they appear in the merged queue. Relative order of elements in the original queues are preserved. A new queue will be created and returned, and the original queues will become empty after merging, if both queues to merge are not empty.


The complexity of the merge algorithm is O(n1 + n2) in both time and space, where n1 and n2 are the sizes of the two queues to merge.

Template Parameters:
  • Elem – Type of each element in the queue.

  • Impl – The derived implementation class of the Queue ADT of which the two queues to merge are.

  • compare – A callable object that determines the element order in the merged queue; it has not effect on the relative order of elements in the original queues. The signature of an equivalent function reads bool (Elem const&, Elem const&), i.e. it must satisfy the dsa::BinaryPredicate concept.

  • queue1 – A queue to merge. Mutable.

  • queue2 – Another queue to merge. Mutable.


The merged queue if both queues to merge are not empty, one of the queues to merge if the other is empty, nullptr if both are empty. [IMPORTANT] In the first case, call dsa::destroy when you’re done with the merged queue to free the memory allocated to it.

Non-modifying overload#

template<typename Elem, template<typename> typename Impl, BinaryPredicate<Elem> compare>
IQueue<Elem, Impl> *dsa::merge(IQueue<Elem, Impl> const *queue1, IQueue<Elem, Impl> const *queue2)#

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

If both queues to merge are not empty, a new queue will be created and returned, but the original queues will remain unchanged after merging.


The complexity of the merge algorithm is O(n1 + n2) in both time and space, where n1 and n2 are the sizes of the two queues to merge.

Template Parameters:
  • Elem – Type of each element in the queue.

  • Impl – The derived implementation class of the Queue ADT of which the two queues to merge are.

  • compare – A callable object that determines the element order in the merged queue; it has not effect on the relative order of elements in the original queues. The signature of an equivalent function reads bool (Elem const&, Elem const&), i.e. it must satisfy the dsa::BinaryPredicate concept.

  • queue1 – A queue to merge. Immutable; no change after merging.

  • queue2 – Another queue to merge. Immutable; no change after merging.


The merged queue if both queues to merge are not empty, one of the queues to merge if the other is empty, nullptr if both are empty. [IMPORTANT] In the first case, call dsa::destroy when you’re done with the merged queue to free the memory allocated to it.


Merges two job queues in which jobs are ranked based on time and assigned priority.

Here are the Job class along with a function object that specifies how jobs are compared and satisfies the BinaryPredicate concept, and an overloaded operator<<() to make the Job class Insertable.

struct Job
    unsigned int time_id;              // unique ID as timestamp
    unsigned int priority { 0 };       // job priority
    std::string  name { "unnamed" };   // job name (non-unique)

    // Compares two jobs based on time ID, followed by priority.
    bool operator()(Job const& j1, Job const& j2) const {
        if (j1.time_id == j2.time_id) return j1.priority > j2.priority;
        return j1.time_id < j2.time_id;
} compare_jobs;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Job const& job) {
    return os << "Job(name=" << << ", time_id=" << job.time_id
            << ", priority=" << job.priority << ")";

We are going to populate two circular array queue of Job s and then merge them.

#include "circ_array_queue.hpp"   // CircArrayQueue<T>
#include "algos.hpp"              // merge<...>()

using JobQueue = dsa::CircArrayQueue<Job>;

dsa::IQueue<Job, dsa::CircArrayQueue>* jq1 { new JobQueue {} };
Job jobs1[] {
    { 2, 1, "M" }, { 3, 0, "E" },
    { 5, 2, "Q" }, { 9, 1, "A" }
for (auto const& job : jobs1) jq1->enqueue(job);

dsa::IQueue<Job, dsa::CircArrayQueue>* jq2 { new JobQueue {} };
Job jobs2[] { { 1, 0, "D" }, { 4, 0, "T" }, { 5, 1, "V" },
              { 7, 0, "B" }, { 8, 1, "H" }, { 10, 1, "R" } };
for (auto const& job : jobs2) jq2->enqueue(job);

auto* jq = dsa::merge<Job,
                      decltype(compare_jobs)>(jq1, jq2);

std::cout << "Merging jq1 and jq2..." << '\n';
std::cout << jq->to_string("jq", "\n") << "\n\n";


The merged queue looks like:

Merging jq1 and jq2...
jq[Job(name=D, time_id=1, priority=0)
Job(name=M, time_id=2, priority=1)
Job(name=E, time_id=3, priority=0)
Job(name=T, time_id=4, priority=0)
Job(name=Q, time_id=5, priority=2)
Job(name=V, time_id=5, priority=1)
Job(name=B, time_id=7, priority=0)
Job(name=H, time_id=8, priority=1)
Job(name=A, time_id=9, priority=1)
Job(name=R, time_id=10, priority=1)]

Note that even though jobs Q and V have the same timestamp, job Q appears before job V as it has a higher priority.


template<typename T, typename Arg>
concept BinaryPredicate#
#include <algos.hpp>

Specifies that the type T is a callable type that, when called, behaves as a binary predicate that accepts two instances of type Arg.

tparam T:

The type to test.

tparam Arg:

The argument type of the binary predicate.