

To build the project, you will need

  • g++ (version 8+) or equivalent compiler that supports C++20 and above

  • CMake (version 3.15+)

  • Make (or equivalent build tool)

  • GoogleTest (to be installed as submodule of the project using git)

  • Git

Installing googletest#

$ git submodule add --force test/lib/googletest

Building & Testing the Project#

Several bash scripts are included in the scripts/ subdirectory to simplify the build and test process, both debug and release, if you’ve CMake installed on the system. So you don’t have to run neither ctest nor any executable test programs – each successful build will have passed all the tests included.

For all of the following commands, it’s assumed that you’re in the scripts/ dir. If not, cd into it like

$ cd /path/to/project/root/scripts

or modify the commands with the right path accordingly.

Full build#

To make the first build or a clean build, run either:

$ ./        # debug build
$ ./      # release build

On success, you’ll see the success message at the end of the build and test processes on the terminal like so:

...         # build/test info...
👍 Congrats! You are all set.

In that case, you’ll find three newly created subdirectories under the project root.

  1. build/[debug|release]/ — contains all artifacts created during the build process

  2. include/ — contains the header files of the library.

  3. bin/ — contains the executable demo programs queue_demo and queue_merge_demo.

If any errors arise during the build process or the test process, otherwise, you’ll get the error message at the end like so:

...         # build/test info...
👎 Oops! Something went wrong.


To build the whole project again after making changes to the source code, you may simply run either

$ ./      # debug
$ ./    # release


Alternatively, if you’d like to have a clean build starting from scratch, you may do so by first running the following before either one of two *-build-*.sh scripts.

$ ./