The cppdsa-queue Library#

C++DSA - Queue (cppdsa-queue) is a modern C++ library that provides generic implementations of the Queue ADT and related algorithms. It supports static (compile-time) polymorphism and is extensible by means of template programming.

#include "circ_array_queue.hpp"     // CircArrayQueue<Elem>

int main() {
   auto q = dsa::CircArrayQueue<int> {};
   while (!q.empty()) {
      std::cout << q.front() << ' ';
   std::cout << std::endl;
   return 0;

Two implementations of the Queue ADT are included in the project off the shelf:


Source Code#

Browse the source code on Github.

The cppdsa-queue project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

Also Want It In Another Language?#

The C language equivalent – cdsa-queue – is basically the procedural programming version of cppdsa-queue but without the compile-time polymorphism capabilities.